Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Overcomer's Creed

Decrees and declarations define nations and people groups. Job 22:30 says you can decree a thing and it will be established. It is said that "we are what we say." Francis Frangipane, in his book, "The Three Battlegrounds," has said, "Whatever a person agrees upon and establishes through consent compromise and constant use will ultimately define reality to them." Well dear friend, I have the Believers Creed for you. This creed will define you, direct you and bring you to the place of freedom and victory.

The Overcomer's Creed

Revelation 12:10-12 gives us this creed. It says,"They overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death!" The blood of the lamb is the power of a clean conscience. The word of our testimony is the power of a faith confession. Not loving our lives is the power if a radical committment.

Dear friend, if we will take a bath in the blood, declare His word in our mouth in song or speech and make a commitment to His purposes we will overcome whatever the enemy sends our way. God wants you to win. However, winning is based in preparation and placement. He has won the victory for us. He has placed His enemies under His feet (Hebrews 1:.12-14) Therefore, if we are in Christ , we too have the victory.

But we must let preparation also have it's work. If we will take a daily bath in the blood, declare His word in song or speech and commit to His purposes, it will lead us to victory. When preparation meets opportunity, destiny is accomplished.

What are you speaking over your life? What are you preparing for in daily repetitions? Prepare and then declare and watch what God will do in your circumstances of life. This is your creed. Say it loud and say it proud:

I overcome by the blood of the lamb, I overcome by the word of my testimony and I do overcome by loving Him more than loving myself! 

You are an overcomer when you stand on Gods word! If that is true, then no matter what I face, I CAN win! So, lets go out and start WINNING! It's your time to win. Start by using the Believers Creed!
Do you agree? Let me know your thoughts!
