Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Finders Weepers Losers... KEEPERS!

If you find your life you lose it, if you lose your life you find it! 

Man, the bible is the master of understatement! Our culture is so consumed in finding their own way in life. The bible also says that in the last days, things will be as they were in the days of Noah. Men will eat, drink and be given in marriage.

In essence, all people will think about in the last days is "eating, drinking and sex!" Man, have we arrived! Life is all about self indulgence; me, myself and me! "Let me stop talking about me. Let me hear what you think about me?" That sums up the time in which we live.

The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon (the wisest man who ever lived), said that life is meaningless.(Ecclesiastes 1:1-14)  He even says it is a "chasing after the wind." He ends his dialogue with a sharp decision about the meaning of life. In Chapter 12:13-14, Solomon says, here is the meaning of life! "Fear God and Keep His commandments...for judgment is coming!

WOW! Our culture is so out of step with this discussion about the end of time or the end of the world. It is all about the moment. Make me happy NOW! I do not want to wait.  My iPad, my iPhone or my internet connection is too slow. My Facebook update is "so 23 seconds ago!"

We are a culture in touch, on the move and oblivious to what is about to happen. It is all going to end and most people won't know it until it is too late. We spend our whole lives focused on self with no preparation for the next life. If we would spend equal time on future preparation, fire insurance, our ticket to ride, we could be prepared for the next life. But how?

Jesus said in Matthew 10:39 that if you find your will lose it. BUT, if your lose your will find it! 

What does He mean? We must delay gratification for the moment for future preparations NOW so that we are ready for THEN! Jesus lived this in Luke 22:42 when he said, "Father, let this cup pass from me...but nevertheless, not my will but your will be done."

Life is meaningless Solomon says...apart from God. But, here is the meaning of life...Fear God AND keep His commandments. Lose your life and find it and see if it is worth the journey.

I have been on this roller coaster for 31 years now and man, is it worth it! I have more fun and I laugh more in life than anyone I know. Why? I have lost my life and gained the true meaning! It is really not a mystery but requires a great cost...everything! Lose to win? It's your invitation. Want to jump on the train? God is asking for lose!

I would love to hear from you to know what you think!

Are you a loser? Then, with God, you are the winner!