Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The God Who restores!

Everyday it seems that the stress of life, financial pressure and conflict in the family is causing an emotional avalanche that destroys everything in it's path.

Marriages are ending, families are torn, finances are challenged and picking up the pieces can be overwhelming.  I have a word of encouragement! There is a God who CAN restore all that life has eaten and repair the damage that has been done to your dreams, your home and your emotions.

The God Who Restores!

If I know anything about the heart of our Heavenly Father, I believe that it is His greatest desire to restore and bless his children. Over and over throughout the Old Testament, God restored His children to His promise. It is no different for you! The people of God would wander, get in sin, fail and fall. However, the God we serve ALWAYS gave them a pathway back to His heart and promise.

Job was one who found the pathway back to the restoration of God. In the book of Job, Chapter 22 and in verse 23 we read where God spoke to Job and answered his request for help. It says, " If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored: "IF" you remove wickedness far from your tent." If Job would meet the condition of the removal of all offenses toward God, his restoration was a given blessing!

God desires to bless. His word to Job was RETURN AND I WILL RESTORE! That is a great promise. However, the blessing was not a given just because he would ask. If Job would meet God's request to return and then also remove all wickedness from his tent, the promise would be secure.

People just want God to bless their request. That is His heart! However, He is still asking for the requirement of returning to His heart AND then removing all wickedness FAR from our tents. He is asking you right now. As you read this, just know that whatever life and circumstances have stolen from you, God is calling right now!

Return, and Remove! Run back to the Father right now, ask for His healing, and restoration. Then, look around you. Is there wickedness around you that you have the control of how and where it is allowed to be around you? Music, magazines, Internet, ungodly friendships, improper intimacies or just anything that God would not be pleased with in the life of His followers?

God CAN heal any word curse, break any soul tie and restore what the locust have eaten. I dare you to run back to the Father right now. Ask for His forgiveness, healing and restoration. Then remove anything that might be an offense to God and watch what God will release in your life. I believe you will see that He is a God who loves to RESTORE!

I want to hear the miracles from you as you run back to His arms. Meet the condition and the blessing is yours!

Pray this prayer... Jesus, I return to you. I ask you to restore me. I remove all wickedness far from me. I receive your miracles in my life again as I return to you! Amen!

Did you do this? Did you mean it? Then friend, look up! Restoration is about to begin! Do you agree? I'd like to hear from you! It is your turn for your Jubilee!


Friday, February 10, 2012

It's 2012 - Are you AWAKE yet?

When you see life exploding for others have you ever asked, "When will it be my turn?  When will things work out for me?" As we look at the uncertainty around us, I have a word for you...


At the end of 2011, the Lord began to speak to me about 2012 and all that it would bring for you and for me. The following word came to me..."2012 will be a season where closed things will become opened, hidden things will be revealed and impossible things will become possible."

It is so easy to believe with someone else for their miracle. But, it is often hard to believe for ourselves and our own dreams. That is why you are reading this. I have faith for you, and the Father has a plan to reveal to you. So here it is again, "2012 WILL be your time!"

 "Closed things will become opened, hidden things will be revealed and impossible things will become possible."

This past week the Lord spoke to me that 2012 will be a season for things to be AWAKENED in you and in me. We will be awakened to radical trust in God and His servants. We will become awakened to radical commitment to the task of the Kingdom.  And we will become awakened to a radical spirit of cooperation in the body of Christ. I call you AWAKE! 

I also call you to awaken in your Trust, Commitment and Cooperation. Say "yes" to God right now and look for the open doors and the open opportunities that are coming your way! Yes, uncertainty is all around. I see it as you see it. But do not just see it as it is. See it as it can be: awake, revealed, possible and opened! I dare you to dream again!

2012 will be YOUR year! Are you awake yet? I'd like to know so please let me hear from you!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hook, Line and Stinker!

It is unbelievable how many Christians hear the lies of the enemy and believe them hook, line and stinker! It is hard to live at a high level for God that is inconsistent with the way you see yourself. If you tell a lie long enough you will believe it! However, if you tell the truth long enough, you will also believe that. We are what we think and we are what we say. We are the sum total of the influences of our life. We simply must change the input to see results in the output of our life. The enemy of our souls is shrewd and cunning. Our emotions can get the best of us and before we know it, we have taken a long journey in wrong confession and declarations. The bible says that the power of life and death is in the tongue. So, what I say and what I think is what I become. There are many lies that the enemy espouses to Christians but none bigger than the following list. Here are some of the top lies that Christians believe:

1. Church is not necessary
The enemy of your soul wants you to be alone so that you are vulnerable and isolated. Many well meaning Christians believe that church is not necessary. It pushes them further away more than it draws them closer to their Heavenly father. The Family of God is just that - a family. We need strong family members to help us when we are weak and laugh with us when we are on top of life!

2. All I need to do is be good and act nice
The enemy wants us to believe that if we just act right or keep an appearance of a Christian, we will be just fine. Satan wants us to think that we can work things out in our own strength and many believers fall prey to this lie. God will never say that being nice is good enough to enter His kingdom. Being nice is good but being close and holy and pure and passionate are better!

3. God does not care about the small things
God is too busy dealing with big things to be concerned with our small things. It is the little fox that gets in and spoils the vines. Little things can cause a big problem if we do not take care of them quickly. God IS concerned about the small things! Small things grow to big problems if we do not confess them and remove them. Bugs can grow to become monsters.

4. Only Pastors or "Big Time" people can be leaders.
This is a big one for many. Past hurts and failures seem to derail many believers into thinking they are disqualified by God for any involvement in leadership. The fact is God wants to use your failures to be a triumph for others who struggle with the same issues. Stop talking about your past and speak about your future. You can be an over comer and yes, God can and will use you for His kingdom benefit. "Whosoever will," was the call of God. "Follow me," was His call. He qualifies the called, not just calls the qualified. You are good enough for Kingdom involvement.

5. God wants us happy.
Yes, God does want us happy but it is dependent on our relationship with Him. Happiness is a choice. It is based on the influences that I am allowing into my life. We are what we say and we are what we think. What you allow around you has a big affect on your emotional condition. It is hard to soar with Eagles if we are hanging out with turkeys! What we associate with is what we become because we are what we say and we are what we think. Happiness of life is related to intimacy with Jesus. Jesus is happiness.

These lies are derailing many believers. What about you? Do any of these affect you? Are there other lies you would add to this list! I'd like to know what you think.