Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Whatever Happened to the Radicals?

In the movie and Broadway hit Grease, there was the bigger than life portrayal of John Travolta as Danny Zuko the Radical. Big hair, good looks and a great dancer. A radical in every sense of the word. Political, film, social and religious radicals have made history as icons we all remember. Where did it start?

In the 18th century, a man named Charles James Fox asked for a radical reform in the British Parliament. In so doing (and so on after) any sweeping change in direction was called "Radical". The American Revolutionists, the Religious Reformation of Martin Luther, Tienanmen Square in China, Facebook, Apple Computers, Nelson Mandela  George Washington and ..... JESUS!

Radicals left their mark on history and their story has inspired millions to do the same. Some people talk about history, some people read about history but some people MAKE history! The earth is looking for the next wave of Jesus Freaks to rise and shine for their radical hope, faith and message about Jesus!

What Makes a Radical? 

You're a radical when you do what others want to do but are afraid to attempt! Jesus was the greatest radical in all of history. He fought a religious and social battle that has circled the globe. Billions of people have followed Him. Why? Where others only ruled or navigated this sphere, Jesus is the ONLY religious leader who took His message of change from this realm to the realms of the spirit world. There, He conquered Satan, death and all other religions, philosophies and thoughts - not only in this world, but in the world to come! You want to talk about a radical? Jesus dominated both realms and then empowered His followers to do the SAME with the SAME power and authority. Oh friend, Jesus was the greatest Radical of all.

Now it is your turn! What will you do?

I dare you to take a stand, oppose the tide of indifference and passionately stand for Jesus! Anyone can talk about history, but it takes real leaders to make history. It is in our hands to do so! Let's enslave Satan, change the culture and believe that the season of the radical is not over! God is calling you and me to be the radicals in this season! Are you ready to make history? I dare you!

Radicals Arise in Jesus Name!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Sharpening your Weapon for War

As the new year has begun, we are now in the race to take off the pounds of the holidays, refocus on priorities and set new goals for accomplishment. It is amazing to me how so many people will expend so much energy on day to day development and spend little effort on spiritual development.

The bible says that we are to be in this world but not of this world. That my friend is where the war is waged. Dealing with distractions that pull our attention away from the real war of life. It happens in the spirit world and must be fought with spirit weapons.

Staying sharp is a priority. 1 Samuel 13:20-22 is a description of the very topic I discuss here. The Israelites were in captivity to the Philistines and had to get their plowing shears, tools and weapons sharpened in the house of the Philistines. This us what their enemy knew:

  • If you remove the weapons from your enemy, they cannot fight.
  • If they cannot fight they cannot defend themselves.
  • If they cannot defend themselves, their enemy can have their way with them.
  • The result: BONDAGE!

This is why, in my opinion, our culture is changing so radically in this generation . The church was a centerpiece of American life 100 years ago. Today, fewer and fewer see the urgency of strong consistent devotion to the house of God. The result:

  • If you remove weapons from your enemy, they cannot fight.
  • If they cannot fight, they cannot defend themselves.
  • If they cannot defend themselves, the opposition can have their way with the church.

Friend, we fight a real enemy with real weapons that fire real bullets that really kill, steal and destroy.

What can we do? 

Gather the people.  Find our weapons. Make sure they function. Sharpen the skill and tools and weapons for this fight!  Fight, and then fight and then fight! We can win this war, but our weapons must be strong and sharp. We have the weapon of love, faith, worship, faith and God's word, just to name a few! Where are they sharpened? In the house of God where iron sharpens iron. Oh dear friend, we MUST be sharp and ready for the fight of faith on a daily basis. Let me encourage you, as this year of 2013 begins, take inventory of your weapons. Go to church, sharpen those skills and see the victory of the Lord.

I believe that the church is the answer for all that concerns you!

Go to worship and pray and love and believe and you will leave sharp, strong and ready to win the daily fight for life! You were created for His pleasure! Win and prove that the high life is the fight of faith! God wants you to win! Are you sharp or dull?! Sharpen your weapons and win!

Send me a note with your thoughts? I am praying for you!!!