There is only one place in America that experiences the phenomenon called "Jubilee." It is an occurrence where, due to the incoming tide lines,the oxygen content in the water of Mobile Bay becomes depleted to the point that the fish and marine life LITERALLY jump out of the water on to the shore in search of oxygen. It happens several times a year here in Mobile Bay. You can literally pick up the fish, shrimp and crab right off of the shore. Jubilee in this phenomenon only occurs in one other city in the earth...Beijing, China. Mobile Bay has (7)seven major water ways that empty into the Gulf of Mexico through Mobile Bay. The number seven is a significant number with God. The Hebrew calendar had the number "7" as the Sabbath. Every seven days was a Sabbath to the Lord. Every seventh year was a Jubilee to the Lord. Every seven times seven years, or (49), was a generational Jubilee. The 50th year was a jubilee to the people of Israel. Pentecost happened on the 50th day after the resurrection of Jesus when the Holy Spirit fell in the upper room. What does this all mean? Look at this in Leviticus 25:8-15, Isaiah 6:1-41 and Luke 4:17-19.
Mobile is called the City of Jubilee. It is also called the Bay of the Holy Spirit. Why is that significant? It is because this will be the seventh (7th) year of ministry for the City Church of Mobile. Our seventh year will be a season of Jubilee in the Bay of the Holy Spirit or (50th) or Jubilee for this region. Because "a name frames a region", the name, "Bay of the Holy Spirit," declares a 50th or a Jubilee in the Spirit of God. That is what the Spainard's felt when they first arrived here centuries ago and declared that the presence of God is so strong in this region it must be the "Bay of the Holy Spirit." That is why I say that Mobile IS God's city for 2012. It is Jubilee in the natural in our bay (literally), it is Jubilee at the City Church and we are in the City of Jubilee and the Bay of the Holy Spirit. The name Bay of the Holy Spirit or (50th) representing Pentecost or Holy Spirit power declares Jubilee just by its name! Do you agree? Pray for Mobile!
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